It’s time to focus on YOU!

Let’s maximize your success before & after bariatric surgery!

Hi there, I’m Audrey!

First of all, congratulations!

Choosing bariatric surgery is a life-changing decision and you did it! Now, let’s make the most of it by maximizing your nutrition to help you meet your weight loss and overall health goals.

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with years of experience working with thousands of bariatric patients, I am passionate about helping you succeed before and after bariatric surgery!

Are you ready to become the healthiest version of yourself?

Let’s simplify life before &

after bariatric surgery.




Sneak Peak:

Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Success Guide

68 pages full of ideas & inspiration for simple, convenient meals that will help you succeed on your weight loss journey.

Value: $116

You pay: $25

“This guide helped put my mind at ease! I appreciate all of the meal tips and ideas - best money I’ve ever spent.”

— Courtney G.

Get your FREE 3 Day Sample Meal Plan today!

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